OUR VISIONCOTTONGURU®️ aims at unlocking the socio-economic potential of agriculture for global pros...
OUR VISIONCOTTONGURU®️ aims at unlocking the socio-economic potential of agriculture for global prosperityCORE PURPOSE & MISSIONTo assist farmers in improving yield and quality, also helping cotton users in locating regular sources of sustainable and contamination-free cotton at nominal prices. We aim to prevent the arbitrary use of plastic and paper objects and replace it with cotton-based products which are ‘natural, eco-friendly renewable resource’ (E.g. cotton handkerchief v/s tissue paper, cotton bags v/s plastic or paper bags) thereby helping save the environment.CottonGuru MahaFPO mission: To make agriculture sustainable, traceable and profitable assisting farmers improve value realization in every process from sowing to marketing.Farmer App Description: Only thing constant in the world is change. With fluctuating market dynamics and changing global landscape, it is critical that all cotton farmers stay aware and informed. The CottonGuru MahaFPO farm management app for cotton farmers does just that. It empowers cotton farmers in India to discover better markets and enables them to sell their produce online. The application allows farmers to log farm details in app and a AI run analytical program enables them to make better data-driven farm management decisions. It educates smallholder farmers by providing intensive tailor-made CottonGuru online training videos developed based on best farm practices which have been tried, tested, and proven to improve yield and quality in our "Pradarshan Khets" (Demonstration Fields). It is a one-stop destination for news related to pests, government policy and market updates. Key features of the app are:1. Farmer, Farm crop records and digitization • OTP validation for mobile numbers of farmers during registration • Digitize the farmers data trough farmers direct app • Unique system generated ID for every registration and transaction • Registered farmer to have a Unique identification number • Land survey details and validation • Geolocation and polygon of farm and cropping areas • Query module for interaction of farmers with the FPO 2. Sell intention, Appointment creation and payment • Payment to be done before making the appointment • In app payment services will be available for the farmers to pay using UPI and other payment methods. • For any cash or cheque payment the farmers will come to the FPO office and do the same. FPO to update the payment through the app • Generate a token for the farmers when they report sale intention through farmer app • Farmers can report the sale intention through the farmer app or by calling the board number mentioned in the app. • Farmers will update the quantity, quality of cotton to be sold and consolidated report location farmer wise is generated. • SMS, alerts, and reminders provided to the farmers before the appointment and schedule visit. • Cotton guru will do pre-delivery grading and moisture measurements of cotton for farmers whose token have been generated through field staff farmsio application • Through procurement module of farmsio application final grading, approval and weighment details are recorded and updated on dashboard, which is viewable through web application module of farmsio. • Post visit and validation and after submission of report, the farmer will receive SMS/app notification on when is he scheduled to unload his cotton in the CCI centre. • After unloading, he should receive a detailed summary receipt including grade passed, amount to be paid, quantity, etc. 3. Post-delivery and invoice upload • Farmers after receiving the invoice from CCI, will upload the details through the app or will bring the invoice copy to the FPO office for uploading via pictures. • To deploy the produce upload features for market connect and visibility of end produce. • Digitizing of procurement services